This morning as I called my dog, Bo, in from the back yard, I
watched him trot along. He did his usual trot, not really
wanting to obey and coming at his own pace. I watched as
he stopped and looked to his right, listening to the dogs barking over
the fence. I called his name. He began his side step
once again, never walking in a straight line. His head bobbed
to the left and to the right, his nose twitching at the various
aromas in the air. Easily distracted. I kept calling, "Come." I
couldn't help but think of how much that represented many
of us. The Lord calls to us, often we come with a distracted
heart. We trot along in life, hearing him calling us, but far to
easily merge to the left or to the right. Thank God he is not
as impatient with us as I was with my dog, Bo!